Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17 That's what friends are for!

Hey there, It's Janet's trusty friend Karen here AGAIN!

Between computer woes and the sheer busy-ness of this trip, Janet is barely able to post a message home for Darryn, so I am posting her emails for her. Sorry that there are no photos, but at least you can get an idea of all the interesting things they are doing.

Hi again

9:30 and just got home. I am doing once again very well with no jet lag. Leevi is doing great also. He gets pretty tired right after supper but refuses to admit it and he keeps on going as long as we do. Once we get in the van he stuggles to stay awake.

Today traditional tea and bowing ceremonies. Imagine they are trying to teach us etiquette. Quite funny. Then it was off to a Chineese Korean rest. for lunch. Oh my goddness once again good food and ate way to much. Totally a sport. Then off to the a historic palace. Chang Deok Gung. Absolutely beautiful.

Then off to the Seoul Tower. The weather was hazy so not a great view but still incredible. Then out to dinner , then for a walk with homestay famly. It was then time to call it a day. Oh no...not yet we now are requested to go upstairs and spend time with the host family. So better run.

Take Care

1 comment:

  1. Are you the friend that had the amazingly detailed info about squat toilets fro chian blog?;).
    Relying on this blog to get more information than husband and son's able to provide, also travelling with Janet with leevi in Korea.
    Christine (Mom to Alex)

