Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dancing/Paper Craft and yes eating out

Good eveing from Seoul for the last night for a week. We are heading South tomorrow. I just have to say I am not being ungrateful when I say we are busy. The Korean people are incredibly hard working and diligent Every event or move from one activity to another is orchestrated with impecable perfection. I admire that. But heads up is there is a glitch in the system. They truly like things done right on time and obediently. For those of you who know me this may sound like a big stretch for me but hey " I believe in miracles. I am being so submissive.....No really I am!

But this is about a young boy who is amazing. He has weathered so many late night and some not so exciting tours for a child and been respectful and controlled. I sure do love this boy.

So today as usual up at 6:00 at breakfast for 7 and out the door for the 1 hour drive by 8. Breakfast if consumed in a timely fashion may leave you 10 minutes of free time to brush your teeth and pack for the day. I have been missing a few important items for 3 days in a row. Day 2 forgot my memory card, day 3 forgot to put the battery in my camera, day 4 forgot my money. Tomorrow all has to be packed and divided for two different destinations. So Hopefully I have my act together or I will be without it for 5 days. Our homestay family are still treating us like royalty. Fish for breakfast almost every day. The feast each morning is really quite the sight. Leevi is praising the cook with the thumbs up sign often during a meal.. He is truly enjoying the food. Our homestay father works for the Christian prining company that sponsored the trip and he is an elder in the church. He has a permanent grin on his face all the time. This man is running around with us until 10 or 11pm and then heading out the dorr at 5 am for an hour of prayer at his church. He works all day and runs us around all night. I should not complain about a busy schedule. I am younger and having fun all day. That should give you insight into his being. A real treasure. Ditto for his wife.

So this morning we headed for the subway to tale ourselves to the building where we were to learn about traditional Korean dance. Our instructor was fun and had everyone up on stage doing the dance. Yes my boy who truly does not like stage let alone dancing gave it his best and di very well. I am proud of you Leevi stepping outside your comfort zone. It was really quite funny , the parents ability to retain the steps with our arms legs and words at the same time was a pitty compared to the children and young adults. Fun was had by all. (I sure wish i could post pictures I have some great ones) After that we were ushered onto the rooftop patio for a pre-ordered lunch. Each day lunch or dinner is ordered before we arrive , we walk into a resaurant, sit and are eating within 5 minutes. I told you they had all things well greased and humming. My brain is shrinking as there is no thinking I just follow and do as instructed. A true vacation that way. No decision even with regards to what we are eating. The meal selection always delicious and plenty of it. We had pizza today and some salad packages. There were tiny hard boiled quail eggs and a mix of many unknow side dishes. Yes we tried the quail eggs and there did not taste that different for our chicken eggs.

Then off to the pm activity of Korean paper craft. We made these pre cut boxes. The instructors we very keen on getting things done right. As an incentive they offered a painted Korean mask as a gift for the best made box. Challenge on. There were some definite contenders working hard to win the prize. In the end the prize was not given for the neatest made box but the one who did the most work on his own. Leevi won the should have seen his face, the shock was so evident. I had tears in my eyes. In true Leevi spirit he wanted to give it to his new friend Luka ( because Luka's mom really wanted it)but felt other children may be sad so with some counselling decided to keep it.

We were givin an hour of free time to shop in a mall. Some really great deals on knock offs. Di not shop much as I am holding out for the market. Leevi held out as well. Then it was back on the subway to meet our homestay family for dinner at a Korean Chinese restaurant. So this was our first dinner with questionable meat. I heard Leevi discussing a mystery meat with Lisa and I heard her say Leevi done focus on it let it go. So I just stayed out of it as I did not want to interfer. About a minute later there was a perfect tiny purple octopus on my fork. Don't focus on it. Nope could not do it.

After dinner we headed to our homestay for cake as Mrs Lim our homestay mom's birthday is on Saturday. Liam , Leevi's travel bud has his birthday is on Sunday. We finished up and headed to the Seoul Soccer Stadium to meet Todd. Todd became a friend after he escorted Simon to Canada and placed him in our arms. Simon I know you cannot remember Todd but he looks the same and is still very kind . He travelled 1.5 hours by subway to meet us. I visited with him for an hour while Leevi and Liam burnt off some steam in the first wide open space we have been in since we left home. We have had to keep hiom close by and contained due to the very lvery large city and number of people. Korea is the size of Lake Ontario and has a population of 12 million people. Check that against Canada's population. He is planning to take nest Friday off to meet up with us for the free day. There is a surprise he is married but his wedding is September 12th. Will have to explain that one later another Korean thing.

Well that's today in a nut shell.

Must run it's 11:30 and I have to shower and repack our luggage.

Hope to post tomorrow from my laptop with pictures but hey it's me the non tech gal.

Good night Simon and Lolah, I miss you. You too D :) Talk to you tonight.

ㅓ묻ㅅ & ㅣㄷㄷ퍄
Janet & Leevi


  1. CONGRATULATIONS LEEVI! For your strength and discipline in managing the busy tour schedule, for winning the prize for paper box, for your generosity of giving it to someone who really wanted it and will always remember you for it, and... did you try that octopus? Ha, ha!
    Alex's Mom
    Continuing to enjoy your blog, Janet. My men don't express as much!;)

  2. Hi Leevi from your class!
    We are very proud of you for trying Korean dancing!
    Congratulations for winning the prize!!! We knew you could do it!
    Leevi, Did you eat octapus? What did it taste like?
    From your classmates - Grade 3 and 4's

  3. Hi Leevi and Janet.

    Welcome to Korea! Jin and Lili here (Derek and Deb too). Sounds like you are having an action packed trip. Reminds us of our motherland tour in 2007. Have a great trip to the south. It will be nice to see the countryside outside of Seoul. Hope to see you late next week when you are back in Seoul. Please say "Hi" to everyone on the tour and "sang-il chuka hamnida"(happy birthday) to Liam.

    All the best,

    Jin, Lili, Deb and Derek

